Developing Soaplab clients in Java |
Soaplab distribution has only basic clients that help mostly service
providers to check their installation. The end users are keen to use
sophisticated clients (an ultimate example is Taverna). This document shows
how to start writing your own Java clients.
Note that there is also a possibility to write just your own Java
plug-in. This is related to the Gowlab-based services and details are
in the Gowlab Guide.
The easiest way for developing is to use Soaplab CVS. Put your source
code anywhere below src/Clients or src/main, and use
Ant to build it:
You can run it later by calling java YourClass after setting
CLASSPATH by typing one of the lines:
. run/source.me.sh
source run/source.me.csh
It would be nice to have a paragraph here
how to integrate the Soaplab's Ant with an IDE, such as
Eclipse. Please let me know if you have done it.
For convenience and readability, the APIs
showing available methods are formatted by the javadoc tool,
even though the Web Services are programming-language independent.
There are three types of services (see also the Architecture Guide):
- Factory (List) service is defined by the Java
interface org.embl.ebi.SoaplabShare.AnalysisFactoryWS. And
there is nothing special about its methods.
- Analysis service is defined by the Java interface org.embl.ebi.SoaplabShare.AnalysisWS. This
is the main interface.
- The derived analysis services also implements the
org.embl.ebi.SoaplabShare.AnalysisWS interface but their main
power is in having additional methods (which are specific for each
Soaplab service):
- String createEmptyJob()
- This method is the same for all derived analysis services. It must be used
before adding any input data to a created job. It returns a
job's ID that can be used by the set_... methods later to
populate the job with the input data.
- void set_<name> (String jobId, <type> value)
- Each derived service has set methods for every possible input data.
The method names differ according to the input data names - a
developer needs to check the service description (either its
WSDL, or by calling its method getInputSpec)
to find
what methods are available. The checking is done on the service
this derived service was derived from.
Some services may have quite a number of such methods. And
some of them may be mutually exclusive. For example, the EMBOSS
sequence analysis programs often require an input sequence. The
sequence can be specified directly, as a string, or as a so-called
universal sequence address (an EMBOSS-specific term). The
relevant methods in these cases are:
void set_sequence_direct_data (String jobId, String value)
void set_sequence_usa (String jobId, String value)
- <type> get_<name> (String jobId)
- Each result (output data) of any derived service is obtainable
using a specific get... method. All Soaplab's
services always have at least two results, report and
detailed_status, accessible by methods:
String get_report (String jobId)
String get_detailed_status (String jobId)
The report shows human readable details about the
execution, and the detailed_status returns a number
(although coded as a String) defining the exit condition. It can be
used by programs to make decision how to proceed (successful
execution returns zero or 200 - for Gowlab services).
A src/Clients/FactoryClient.java is a good example how to
implement the org.embl.ebi.SoaplabShare.AnalysisFactoryWS
Or, here is code for a client getting all available service names
from the EBI's services:
import embl.ebi.soap.axis.*;
import java.net.*;
public class SimplestList {
public static void main (String [] args) {
try {
// where to go
String endpoint =
if (args.length > 0)
endpoint = args[0];
// make the call
String[] names =
(String[])new AxisCall (new URL (endpoint))
.doCall ("getAvailableAnalyses", new Object[] {});
// print results
if (names != null)
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++)
System.out.println (names[i]);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println (e.toString());
The src/Clients/AnalysisClient.java implements fully the org.embl.ebi.SoaplabShare.AnalysisWS
interface. You can find there everything but it is a bit too
complex. Therefore, there are also less general code examples
provided in src/Clients:
- HelloWorldClient
shows how to call the simplest method, without any data inputs.
- SeqretClient
shows how to set sequence data into a reformatting service
(using a derived service).
- CpgplotClient
shows how to deal with a binary (graphical) result
(it even shows a picture if you are using JDK 1.3 or later).
Where to go next? |