Version: ${maven.project.version}

Package org.soaplab.share

Interface Summary
Analysis An interface to a service (usually a web service, but nothing precludes to have, for example, a REST implementtaion of such service), accessing and controlling an analysis.
AnalysisList An interface to a Web Service that produces a list of available analyses, and provides pointers to them.
SoaplabConstants A list of constants used to describe and to invoke analyses.

Class Summary
MapEntry A container for a key-value pair used in SoaplabMap.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the org.soaplab.share package.
SoaplabExceptionBean This class was generated by the JAX-WS RI.
SoaplabMap A container for input and output data to/from Soaplab analysis services.
Value A container for a value used in MapEntry (which is further used in SoaplabMap).

Exception Summary
SoaplabException A general exception which can be used as a wrapper around other exceptions.

Version: ${maven.project.version}

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Generated: Tue Jun 14 15:18:14 AST 2011