Version: ${maven.project.version}

Interface AnalysisList

public interface AnalysisList

An interface to a Web Service that produces a list of available analyses, and provides pointers to them.

The interface uses two similar but not the same entities: an analysis and a service. An analysis is a program that has to be executed and controlled (such as Blast), while service is a Web Service that allows to execute and to controll the analysis. A service is a wrapper around an analysis.

$Id:,v 1.7 2007/10/19 08:53:42 marsenger Exp $
Martin Senger

Method Summary
 java.lang.String[] getAvailableAnalyses()
          Return an array of names of all available analyses, regardless which category they belong to.
 java.lang.String[] getAvailableAnalysesInCategory(java.lang.String categoryName)
          Return an array of names of all available analyses from the given category.
 SoaplabMap getAvailableAnalysesWithDescription()
          Return the same list as by method getAvailableAnalyses() but now enriched by short description for each analysis.
 java.lang.String[] getAvailableCategories()
          Return an array of names of all available categories.
 java.lang.String getServiceLocation(java.lang.String analysisName)
          Return a location of a web service representing given analysis.

Method Detail


java.lang.String[] getAvailableCategories()
Return an array of names of all available categories. A category is a group of analyses, usually of a similar purpose. Any analysis can belong to more than one category.


java.lang.String[] getAvailableAnalyses()
Return an array of names of all available analyses, regardless which category they belong to.

Naming convention: How to name analyses
This service recognizes analyses divided into categories. A full name of an analysis consists of the category name and an analysis name, separated by SoaplabConstants.SOAPLAB_SERVICE_NAME_DELIMITER. For example:
However, an implementation may recognize also names without any category name. It may mean that the given analysis name is looked for in all categories until a match is found.


java.lang.String[] getAvailableAnalysesInCategory(java.lang.String categoryName)
Return an array of names of all available analyses from the given category. The returned names contain also the category name (see naming conventions).

categoryName - whose analyses are wanted
a list of analyses names, or an empoty list if given category does not exist


java.lang.String getServiceLocation(java.lang.String analysisName)
Return a location of a web service representing given analysis. The analysisName should comply with the naming conventions. The returned value is a URL containing a location of a service that complies with the interface Analysis.

analysisName - that is wanted
an endpoint of a service, or an empty string if such analysis does not exist


SoaplabMap getAvailableAnalysesWithDescription()
Return the same list as by method getAvailableAnalyses() but now enriched by short description for each analysis.

a map where keys are analysis names, and values (of type String) are their descriptions

Version: ${maven.project.version}

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Generated: Tue Jun 14 15:18:14 AST 2011