Soaplab2: Configuration Guide
Soaplab2 is configurable to the extent that it is sometimes annoying
There are several moments and places when and how to configure
- Building Soaplab2
How to set various properties used when you build Soaplab2 (the
first time after download), and when you deploy new services. These
activities are usually done using Java tool Ant which uses
property file There is a template for this
file What Ant tasks are available
and what properties can be used to customize the tasks is a topic of
a How to build document.
- Service metadata
There are lists of available services (analyses) and each
service has its own metadata. They both can be considered as
configuration options. But they are topic of other documents (partly
the Developers Guide, and mainly
the Metadata Guide).
- Run-time configuration
How to configure Soaplab2 services for running and serving
clients. This document is exactly about this type of configuration.
Configuration sources
The main format of Soaplab2 configuration are properties
which are nothing else than the name/value pairs. They can be defined
in several ways, and depending on it they have different precedence.
Java System properties have the highest precedence. They can be
specified on the command-line with the -D option(s). They are
good for testing but less suitable when services are run from a
servlet engine, like Apache Tomcat. If you still wish to use them,
see the Tomcat documentation about how to set CATALINA_OPTS
environment variable.
Normally, Soaplab2 configuration properties are taken from a
configuration file. There can be more configuration files - and if
they are, the later ones have higher precedence (but still lower than
the Java System properties).
How does Soaplab find its configuration file, or files?
Soaplab2 tries first to find the property
soaplab.configuration. Its value should contain the name, or
names, of the property files containing the rest of Soaplab2
However, this is obviously a Catch-22 situation: how can you find a
property pointing to a file if such property may be in that file?
Well, you can't. Unless this one property is defined by a Java System
property. Therefore, this property may be the only good candidate to
define by the System property - even within Tomcat.
But there is still another way: If Soaplab cannot find the property
soaplab.configuration, it tries to find a property file with
a default name The file will be searched
for automatically in the following locations:
- in the current directory,
- in the user home,
- in directories defined in the CLASSPATH
If the property soaplab.configuration was found and its value
is a file name with an absolute path, it is taken as defined and it
does not look further.
In the Soaplab2 distribution (what you have when you CVS check-out
Soaplab2), there is a template for the default property file
src/etc/config/ During building
(compiling sources), Soaplab2 copies this file into
build/classes/ - which is a directory on
the CLASSPATH, and which is a default name, therefore, the property
file is found.
You can change this behaviour, and let Ant copy your own property
file, by specifying a build-time property (the build-time properties are used by
Ant and were mentioned briefly at the beginning of this document) when
running the Ant's config task (the file name
'' in the example is a fictive file name, you
will use your own name):
ant config
The property soaplab.configuration can contain more property
file name, separated by commas. For example, a plug-in project
BioinfoGRID starts its command-line Java programs with this line:
exec java -cp $CLASSPATH, "$@"
It lists two property files, and, both of them without an absolute path, so
Soaplab2 will search for them in the places mentioned above (current,
What is the format of property files?
Simply speaking, it follows the same syntax as required by
java.util.Property.load() method. The gory details can be
found (for example) here. For example, here are few, randomly picked-up, properties:
base.dir = /home/senger/soaplab2 = 1000
results.dir = RESULTS
However, Soaplab2 goes further. It allows:
- To have properties with
multiple values, either as a
comma-separated list in one property, or by using the same property
name twice. For example:
applist = /mydir/metadata/DefaultApplications.xml
applist = /mydir/metadata/generated/OtherApplications.xml
Of course, this feature is useful only when the Soaplab2 code
expects to get more than one value. It is usually mentioned
in the description of the individual properties whether it does or
does not.
- If a property is named include and the
value of that property is the name of a file on the disk, that file
will be included into the configuration. For example:
# properties of the third-party plug-ins
include =
Variable interpolation: the expressions
like ${token} are automatically expanded when the configuration file
is loaded. The expressions can contains names of other properties from
the same configuration file, or of Java System properties. For example
(taken from the BioinfoGRID plug-in):
grid.vo = biomed
grid.proxy.dir = ${}/proxies
grid.proxy.file = x509${grid.vo}_${}
The property and are Java
System properties.
- Boolean property with an
empty value
means true. For example these two properties are both
considered set to true: = true
Prefixed properties: Almost any property
can be prefixed by a service name or a class name. Soaplab2 tries to
find and use first a property prefixed with a service name (using the
current service the Soaplab2 code is just dealing with), then - if not
found - to find and use a property prefixed with the full class name
of the class where is the property being read, and finally - if it
is still not found - to use a simple property name. For example:
results.dir = RESULTS
classic.helloworld.result.dir = HELLOWORLDS
It means that all services will store there results in the
RESULTS directory except for service
classic.helloworld whose results will go to the
HELLOWORLDS directory.
Special characters: If you need a
special character in a property like a line feed, a tabulation or an
unicode character, you can specify it with the same escaped notation
used for Java Strings. The list separator (comma by default), can also
be escaped. For example:
key = This \n string \t contains \, escaped \\ characters \u0020
- And finally,
automatic reloading:
properties file will be reloaded when its contents has been
changed. Again, this feature can be useful only if the Soaplab2 code
also re-reads the properties - but it often does so.
Configuration properties
All properties used by Soaplab2, together with
short descriptions are listed in the class
Config - looked there
for fields started with
PROP_ if this chapter has a missing
property. Which may happen with brand new properties.
Small note about the default values: After installation or
deployment, the Soaplab2 uses a configuration file that was created
from a template
src/etc/config/ The values there
are considered the default values in the descriptions
below. If you, however, change this configuration file and remove some
properties completely, Soaplab2 may still have internally coded and
used some default values. Those values are listed in the class Config. Usually, just
to avoid uncertainty, it is better to put always some values (at least
for the properties defining path and file names) in your configuration
- working.dir
- Its value contains a directory name where the inputs and
outputs of the running external process will be stored in.
By default, there will be created a _R_ sub-directory
in the base directory, and within this there will be another
sub-directory SANDBOX as the working directory. The
base directory depends on how the Soaplab2 service is
invoked: it can be either Soaplab2 main project directory, or (after
services being deployed) a <tomcat-home>/temp
For example, this is a part of a Soaplab2 configuration file
used by deployed services in Tomcat, showing basic directories used by
base.dir = \${catalina.home}/webapps/soaplab2
metadata.dir = \${catalina.home}/webapps/soaplab2/metadata
applist = ${metadata.dir}/OtherApplications.xml
applist = ${metadata.dir}/GowlabApplications.xml
applist = ${metadata.dir}/EBIApplications.xml
runtime.dir = \${catalina.home}/temp/_R_
working.dir = ${runtime.dir}/SANDBOX
results.dir = ${runtime.dir}/RESULTS
- results.dir
- Its value is an absolute path to a directory where Soaplab2
keeps results in the local file system.
Default value is RESULTS, created in the same place as
the SANDBOX shown in working.dir property above.
- metadata.dir
- Its value is a name of a directory containing service
The importance of this property depends also on the contents of
the service lists (given by the applist property). There are
links to the individual service metadata files. If these links are
absolute paths the metadata.dir property is not
used. Otherwise (which is the usual and default way), its value is put
as a prefix to those links.
- .metadata.file
- This is only a part of a property name. Its value is a name of
a file containing metadata for a particular service.
The property name must be prefixed by the service name whose
metadata this file contains. For example, for service
edit.seqret, the full property name should be
There is no default value.
- applist
- A filename containing a list of services. There is no default
value. For example:
base.dir = /home/senger/soaplab2
metadata.dir = ${base.dir}/metadata/generated
applist = ${metadata.dir}/OtherApplications.xml
applist = ${metadata.dir}/GowlabApplications.xml
applist = ${metadata.dir}/EBIApplications.xml
applist = ${metadata.dir}/EMBOSSApplications.xml
- Its value (an integer, number of milliseconds) indicates how
often to scan a list of completed jobs in order to remove them from
the memory (not to destroy them; their results will still be
available). This property can help keeping the Soaplab2 memory
footprint lower. Default value is 60000 (1 minute).
- jobs.timeout
- Its value (an integer, number of milliseconds) indicates how
long after a job is started it should be terminated if it is still running.
This property lets Soaplab terminate hanging or long running jobs automatically.
You can prefix this property with service name to have different timeout values
for different services, such as
Checks for timeout are performed every
Default value is 864000000 (10 days).
- jobs.waitfor.timeout
- Its value (an integer, number of milliseconds) indicates how
long after a waitfor call made should the call be returned
if the job is still running after that period.
Default value is 864000000 (10 days).
- Its value (an integer, number of milliseconds) indicates how
often to scan a list of instantiated services in order to remove them
from the memory (they can be still later re-instantiated if a request
comes). Again, it helps to low the memory footprint. Default value is
300000 (5 minutes).
- Its boolean true value indicates that event listeners should
ignore Heartbeat Progress events (because there may be too many of
them). A bit more about Soaplab2 events can be found in the developers
Default value is false.
- event.log.level
- The Soaplab2 default event listener records the events into a
log (usually) file. This property indicates a logging level under
which the events are logged. The accepted values are (in
case-insensitive way): trace, debug, info,
warn, error, fatal, and off
(off means no logging at all).
Default value is debug.
- env
- This is not a full property name, just a prefix. It should be
followed by a dot and a name of an environment variable that will be
set before invoking a command-line program. The property value becomes
the value of this environment variable.
Be aware that playing with environment variable may be
system-dependent and therefore not too portable. But in many occasions
it may be very helpful (and can replace a need to write various script
wrappers around the command-line programs that would set
Also, be aware, that this does not work for the environment
variable PATH. In order to let Soaplab2 to find the
command-line program, use rather property addtopath.dir.
An example:
env.EMBOSS_HOME = /usr/local/emboss
env.EMBOSS_DATA = /usr/local/emboss/share/EMBOSS/data
- addtopath.dir
- Its value contains one or more directory names (separated by
commas) that are searched for an external (command-line) program that
has to be invoked. It is a replacement of setting the usual
environment variable PATH (which would not work from Java).
The default value is the directory defined in another property
scripts.dir. Therefore, that is a good place to put your
- scripts.dir
- This property contains a directory name with scripts that are
supposed to be called by Soaplab services. So why not to add this
directory name directly into addtopath.dir property? The
reasons is that Soaplab2 treats directory defined here slightly more:
Unless the Soaplab2 server is running on the Windows operating system
(where this treatment is not needed), Soaplab2 tries to change file
permissions of all files in this directory to become executable (by
calling an external program chmod). This is needed because
the original file permissions are gone when deployed from a
war file (which is a usual way how the Soaplab2 services are
The default value depends on the protocol used. When deploying
to Tomcat, it is directory webapps/soaplab2/WEB-INF/run. When
running using the local protocol, it is the run
directory in the Soaplab2 project directory (from where the scripts
are copied to webapps/soaplab2/WEB-INF/run during deployment
- accept.any.exitcode
- Its boolean true value indicates that any exit code returned by
the invoked external program is treated as a good one. Otherwise only
zero exit code is acceptable as a good one.
Default value is false.
- results.url.ignore
- This (and the following three other properties) deal with the
results shown by reference - by sending a URL instead the result
The true value of this property disables creation of such
reference results. Default value is false, i.e. reference results
are enabled. Unless, of course, they are permanently disabled
already in their metadata (look for the make_url attribute in
the metadata guide).
- Its value is a directory (usually with the full path) where
Soaplab2 will be copying results that should be viewed (accessed) via
protocols such as HTTP or FTP. This property is a full path to the
same directory where the property results.url points to as a
Default value depends on the context: if a Soaplab2 service is
running in a servlet container (such as Tomcat - which is a usual
case), a directory results is created inside Soaplab2 web
application. Otherwise, the directory given by property
base.dir and results is used.
If you change this directory and have then problems with results
containing foreign characters, in other words if you need to be sure
that the results are correctly sent with the UTF-8 character encoding,
you need to specify the new directory name also in
- results.url
- Its value is a URL (without the last file name) where the
Soaplab's results are accessible from. This URL points to the same
place as specified in the property
Default value is http://<>:<tomcat.port>/soaplab2/results.
- Its value is a host name where your Tomcat is waiting for
Soaplab2 services requests. It is used to create default
results.dir (in case that the results.dir is not
Default value is localhost.
- tomcat.port
- Its integer value is a port number where your Tomcat is
listening for Soaplab2 services requests. It is used to create default
results.dir (in case that the results.dir is not
Default value is 8080.
- lsf.enabled
- Use this property if you have LSF
installed on your server machine and you prefer your Soaplab jobs submitted to LSF queues
rather than executed on your Soaplab server machine.
Default value is false.
You can enable, or disable, LSF for different services as in the second example below.
lsf.enabled = true
classic.helloworld.lsf.enabled = false
- lsf.queuename
- Use this property to specify queue name for LSF jobs
You can specify different queues for different services as in the second example below.
lsf.queuename = queueforsoaplab
classic.helloworld.lsf.queuename = queueforfastreturningjobs
- lsf.arch
- Use this property to specify architecture to submit LSF jobs on.
- lsf.project
- Use this property to specify project name for LSF jobs.
Soaplab2 uses log4j logging, together with Apache Commons
logging wrapper. This logging system is reasonably well
documented. The only topic we should cover here is how Soaplab2
finds the log4j configuration.
There is a template containing a good starting point for your logging
configuration in
When building Soaplab2, Ant copies this file (after making some
substitutions inside, regarding the current directory) into
build/classes directory - which is on the CLASSPATH so it
could be discovered in the run-time. If you wish another file to be
used, create a property pointing to your
file of choice. Ant recognizes this property and copies your file.
More to it, Ant also puts a well-known property
log4j.configuration into the run scripts (the run
scripts are command-line clients created in the
build/run directory). This property points to the same
build/classes/ file . For example:
exec java -cp $CLASSPATH "-Dlog4j.configuration=file:/home/senger/soaplab2/build/classes/" "$@"
Unless you change it in the, Soaplab2 will
be using two log files, the soaplab2.log and
soaplab2-others.log. The logged records will have the
following format (the characters with the percent sign are used in the
logging ConversionPattern property):
%d{ISO8601} %-4r [%t] %-5p %c{1} %x- %m%n
2006-11-24 14:38:49,447 296 [main] INFO testing_echo - Service instance created.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)(8)
- (%d) - Current date in ISO8601 format
- (%r) - Number of milliseconds elapsed from program start to logging event
- (%t) - Name of the thread that generated the logging event
- (%p) - Level (priority) of the logging event
- (%c) - Place (usually a class name) where the logging event happened
- (%x) - not used yet - (kind of a user session)
- (%m) - The message to be logged
- (%n) - Newline
Last modified: Mon Oct 11 16:14:02 2010