Class Summary |
AnalysisDef |
A structure with general description of an analysis (details about
all analysis input/output data are not here, but in ParamDef
structures). |
AnalysisInstallation |
A container holding data about an analysis. |
ChoiceParamDef |
A data structure defining a 'boolean' or 'radio-group'
parameter. |
CondDef |
DefaultMetadataAccessorFactory |
A default implementation of the MetadataAccessorFactory
interface. |
InputPropertyDef |
IOParamDef |
A data structure defining input/output types of an analysis tools. |
ListDef |
A data structure defining a static list of string values, possibly
hierarchically nested (like a 'menu' structure'). |
ListItemDef |
A data structure defining an item of a static list. |
MetadataAccessorXML |
A default implementation of MetadataAccessor interface that reads
service metadata from XML files. |
MetadataUtils |
Some static pieces of code for dealing with analysis metadata. |
OutputPropertyDef |
ParamDef |
A general class defining a parameter for an analysis tool. |
PropertiesBag |
A simple extension of java.util.Hashtable bringing more methods for
checking and retrieving properties. |
RepeatableDef |
Structure defining how a parameter can be repeated. |
StdParamDef |
A data structure defining a standard parameter. |
TagTracer |
The class represents a stack of visited tags when parsing an XML
source. |