Version: ${maven.project.version}
Class Reporter

  extended by

public class Reporter
extends java.lang.Object

An instance of a Reporter accompanies each "job" (an analysis invocation). It keeps the job status, it adapts job results (and passes them to a persistent manager to store them), etc.

$Id:,v 1.31 2011/05/13 10:14:45 marsenger Exp $
Martin Senger

Constructor Summary
Reporter(MetadataAccessor metadataAccessor, PersistentStorage percy, EventManager eman)
          The main constructor.
Method Summary
 void cleanReport()
          Clean-up all so far reported messages.
 void error(java.lang.String msg)
          Add an error message to the 'report' result.
 java.util.Properties getJobProperties()
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getResults()
          Retrieve and return all available results, set so far.
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getResults(java.lang.String[] nameList)
 java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>[] getResultsInfo()
          Return a container with job status.
 void report(java.lang.String msg)
          Add a message to the 'report' result.
 void report(java.lang.String msgName, msgFile)
          Add a contents of the given file to the 'report' result.
 void report(java.lang.String msgName, java.lang.String msg)
          Add a property to the 'report' result.
 void sendEvent(AnalysisEvent event)
          Send an event to all event listeners.
 void setDetailedStatusResult()
          Store 'detailed_status' result persistently.
 void setJob(Job job)
          Remember what job this reporter is serving.
 void setJobProperties(java.util.Properties props)
 void setReportResult()
          Store 'report' result persistently.
 void setResult(java.lang.String resultName, java.lang.Object result)
          It stores given result under given name.
 void setState( state)
          Set the whole job state.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Reporter(MetadataAccessor metadataAccessor,
                PersistentStorage percy,
                EventManager eman)
The main constructor.

metadataAccessor - gives access to all service metadata; for example, it is used to find names of result adapters; in rare cases it can be null (when this reporter reports on a semi-functional job that was retrieved from the persistent storage, for example)
percy - manages all persistent storage handlers; used to store results; it cannot be null
eman - manages broadcasting events (about the status of the job) to all event listeners; it cannot be null
Method Detail


public void setJob(Job job)
Remember what job this reporter is serving. Should be call just once, and usually from a constructor of the Job.

Note that this method is here only because we have a chicken-egg problem: a job needs to know its reporter, and the reporter needs to know its job. Is there perhaps any established pattern to deal with such situations better?


public void setState( state)
Set the whole job state. This is rarely used - because the reporter always creates a job state in its constructor, anyway. The method is here for specialized implementation of a Job that wishes to use its own state (a subclass of a regular JobState). It is also used when a semi-functional job (a job that was re-created from a persistent storage) is created long after it had finished.

Usually, for changing status of a job, use rather:

   reporter.getState().set (...);


public getState()
Return a container with job status.


public void sendEvent(AnalysisEvent event)
Send an event to all event listeners.


public void cleanReport()
Clean-up all so far reported messages.

I wonder if we really need this method... (because the report will go away when its Reporter instance is garbage collected, anyway).


public void report(java.lang.String msg)
Add a message to the 'report' result. No newlines are automatically added.


public void error(java.lang.String msg)
Add an error message to the 'report' result. No newlines are automatically added.

Adding an error also influences what the 'summary report' will contain.


public void report(java.lang.String msgName,
                   java.lang.String msg)
Add a property to the 'report' result. It will be listed in the 'report' in the same order as added by this method. An already existing property will be extended by the new 'msg'.

msgName - names the property (will be used as a label in the report)
msg - message to be reported


public void report(java.lang.String msgName,
Add a contents of the given file to the 'report' result. It will be listed at the end the 'report' in the same order as added by this method, under the given label.

msgName - names the property (will be used as a label in the report, unless it is empty)
msgFile - file containing reported message (TBD: when is this file read?)


public void setReportResult()
                     throws SoaplabException
Store 'report' result persistently. But keep it still in the memory so it can be updated.



public void setDetailedStatusResult()
                             throws SoaplabException
Store 'detailed_status' result persistently.



public void setResult(java.lang.String resultName,
                      java.lang.Object result)
               throws SoaplabException
It stores given result under given name. For specialized output (report and detailed status), use specialized methods.

Before storing the result, it looks if there is an adaptor to convert the result. If so, it is called and the adapted result is put into a local temporary file. If there is no adaptor, it processes the result in the following way:

The result is now either in a local file, or in memory. In any case, it is now passed to the persistence manager (which passes it further to all storage handlers).

TBD: A, yet not fully solved, question is what to do with these local temporary files? When to get rid of them? Note that we cannot remove files immediately, because the persistence manager call may return before the files are fully consumed). So, definitely, make them disappear when this application exits. But it can be alive for a long time. Other potential options are: (a) start a thread removing too old temporary files, or (b) change the persistent storage API so it can call me back when files are consumed, or (c) keep them and let some external, administrative tool to get rid of them time to time.

Result as a URL Then, it checks if this output can be also accessible as a URL. If it is the case - and if it can find enough properties to do so, it creates another output (derived from the 'resultName' by adding a "_url" suffix).



public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getResults()
                                                            throws SoaplabException
Retrieve and return all available results, set so far.



public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getResults(java.lang.String[] nameList)
                                                            throws SoaplabException


public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>[] getResultsInfo()
                                                                  throws SoaplabException


public java.util.Properties getJobProperties()
                                      throws SoaplabException


public void setJobProperties(java.util.Properties props)
                      throws SoaplabException

Version: ${maven.project.version}

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Generated: Tue Jun 14 15:18:14 AST 2011