* Size (length) of the form buttons are not in good shape when using IE * Possible bug (null pointer exception in ServiceController): when _url and non _url result is in a specific order (needs to wait until it happens again) * check getInputPanels method of the org.soaplab.clients.spinet.Service class why it is producing undefined elements (at least for IE) in the array TESTS? --- * memory management - after all - make some state-fullness - at least when the local protocol is used - what about scope in useBean... - allow to use also a non-local protocol? * file upload: try to have these files not to go through the memory; (share files? - no, better to use Streaming API and pass around input streams and not Files) * file upload with a garbage file name CAN be tested by sending additionally a (hidden) element - only when the upload field is not empty - so the server knows that there was *an intention* to send a file * file=upload - dealing with binary data! * terminating jobs needs more attention (why only report is displayed) * NotFound should be reported more decently (and not as 500) --- * do we need to protect against browser caching? --- -------------------------- Perhaps later (if at all): -------------------------- * A "developer's" mode (only on demand when a property is set during deployment): - call describe() - to get full XML; - ability to replace run.jsp by show.jsp (showing parameters) * perhaps better validation according to 'format' (inc. precision) - wait also for having solved "dependency rules" * EMBOSS showdb lists only selectively, by sequence type * Result bar generates results into an iframe. It would be nice to use javascript to change its dimension according the current result page and avoid to have two scrollbars (which is confusing).