Buildfile: build.xml Main targets: _HELP_ Show only main tasks. all Clean, compile, and generate docs. api Generate general Soaplab API documentation. api-derived Generate API for derived services. applab Everything for deploying all AppLab services. clean Remove all generated files. cleanall Remove all generated files and third-party libraries. compile Compile all source code (default). create-da Generate and compile derived AppLab Services. create-database Create and initiate database for keeping results. create-dg Generate and compile derived Gowlab Services. deploy-aa Deploy AppLab Services to Tomcat/Axis. deploy-al Deploy AppLab List Service to Tomcat/Axis. deploy-applab Create and deploy AppLab services to local Tomcat. deploy-da Deploy derived AppLab Services to Tomcat/Axis. deploy-dg Deploy derived Gowlab Services to Tomcat/Axis. deploy-ga Deploy Gowlab Services to Tomcat/Axis. deploy-gc Deploy global configuration to Tomcat/Axis. deploy-gl Deploy Gowlab List Service to Tomcat/Axis. deploy-gowlab Create and deploy Gowlab services to local Tomcat. derived-applab Create and deploy derived AppLab services to local Tomcat. derived-gowlab Create and deploy derived Gowlab services to local Tomcat. dist Create all distributions. dist-binary Create a binary distribution. dist-clients Create a distribution with Soaplab clients. docs Generate all documentation (API, Perl, etc.). gather Fetch all third-party libraries. gen-all Generate XML metadata from ACD files (for all). Uses Perl. gen-applab Generate XML metadata from ACD files (for AppLab). Uses Perl. gen-gowlab Generate XML metadata from ACD files (for Gowlab). Uses Perl. gowlab Everything for deploying all Gowlab services. help Show only main tasks. jar Create a jar file with Soaplab classes. jar-derived Create a jar file with derived services. perldoc Generate Perl documentation for Perl clients. populate Copy Soaplab classes to local Tomcat. populate-derived Copy classes for derived services to local Tomcat. wsdl Generate WSDL for all services. wsdl-a Generate WSDL for AppLab Services. wsdl-da Generate WSDL for derived AppLab Services. wsdl-dg Generate WSDL for derived Gowlab Services. wsdl-g Generate WSDL for Gowlab Services. Default target: compile