Buildfile: build.xml help: _HELP_: [help] [help] Main (aggregated) tasks for deploying services are: [help] gowlab (from ACD files to running Gowlab services) [help] applab (from ACD files to running Applab services) [help] api-derived (create API documentation for all services) [help] [help] All other deployment tasks are used as sub-tasks from the above [help] (but can be used also separately, of course). [help] [help] And, of course, there are also normal build tasks (that are not [help] for service deployment): [help] all (developing Soaplab source code) [help] clean [help] compile [help] docs [help] jar [help] populate (copying Soaplab classes to Tomcat) [help] BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 2 seconds