The purpose of this client is to generate XML file(s) or pieces of Java code allowing to register Soaplab services by a service registry. It contacts a running Soaplab server, asks for description of its services and converts this information in one of several possible formats. Note that this clienbt does not register the services itself but produces code or files to do so. Usage: java RegistryAdmin -h[elp] java RegistryAdmin [] [] [] where defines what services are going to be worked with during this invocation (all other options will apply only to the services defined here): -snames ... comma-separated list of service names -sfile ... a filename containing a list of service names (each name on a separate line; blank and #-comment lines are allowed) If neither '-snames' nor '-sfile' given then a List/Factory Service is called to provide all available service names. Which list service will be called depends on the parameter: -applab ... indicates Soaplab/AppLab services -gowlab ... indicates Soaplab/Gowlab services By default nothing happen (so you need to specify -snames, -sfile, -applab, or -gowlab). where are: The more general options are used by all actions defined by other options: -p ... port number where Axis is listening (default: 8080) -host ... host where Axis is listening (default: localhost; some actions will not work on remote hosts) -e ... a full URL pointing to the Soaplab services (e.g.; if given it has precedence over '-p' and 'host' -quiet ... do not print report unless error and warnings These options define what to do with services defined in : -f[ormat] ... in what format are created registry records: xml (default) generates an XML representation uddi4j generates a Java source code that can be compiled and run in order to register all services in a UDDI registry biomoby not yet available -o[utput] ... create a registry record for each service and store it separately in given -o[utput] ... create all registry records in one (given) file (for 'uddi4j' the name should be compliant with the Java rules for class names) (without any '-o' option it prints it on stdout) -wsdl